Install Pecl On
The following instructions install PEAR and PECL on Mac OS X under /usr/local/. PECL is bundled with PEAR. So this is as simple as installing PEAR on Mac OS X.
Sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install php-pear php5-dev sudo apt-get install php5-pecl-http sudo apt-get install libcurl3-openssl-dev in the end of php.ini added Httpget and func that I need httpparseheaders says that func is undefined. When using PHP, the PEAR Package Manager is already installed unless one has used the./configure option -without-pear. If one uses a version of PHP that is supplied by Unix/Linux/BSD distributors it may be necessary to manually install PEAR.
PEAR is PHP's Package Repository and makes it easy to download and install PHP tools like PHPUnit and XDebug. I specifically recommend these two for every PHP developer.
Download PEAR
Install Pecl On Mac
Configure and Install PEAR
You should now be at a prompt to configure PEAR.
Type 1 and press return.
Type 4 and press return.
Press return
Verify PEAR
You should be able to type:
Eventually, if you use any extensions or applications from PEAR, you may need to update PHP's include path.
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Downloading PECL extensions
There are several options for downloading PECL extensions, such as:
- The
pecl install extname
command downloads the extensions code automatically, so in this case there is no need for a separate download. - » The PECL web site contains information about the different extensions that are offered by the PHP Development Team. The information available here includes: ChangeLog, release notes, requirements and other similar details.
pecl download extname
PECL extensions that have releases listed on the PECL web site are available for download and installation using the » pecl command. Specific revisions may also be specified.- SVN Most PECL extensions also reside in SVN. A web-based view may be seen at » To download straight from SVN, the following sequence of commands may be used:
$ svn checkout extname - Windows downloads The PHP project compiles and offers Windows DLLs for most PECL extensions on the respective package page.
Install Pecl On Mac
Install Pecl On Centos
- Installation of PECL extensions