Generate Sk Live Api Key

Select Generate API Key, and WooCommerce creates API keys for that user. Now that keys have been generated, you should see Consumer Key and Consumer Secret keys, a QRCode, and a Revoke API Key button. The Consumer Key and Consumer Secret may be entered in the application using the WooCommerce API, and the app should also request your URL. You agree to have complete and correct billing and credit card information on file at all times and to be responsible for all charges in relation to Your account. All queries requesting data from the APIs must reference Your valid login API license key(s). You agree to keep such account information and API license key(s) information confidential.

API Key Overview

Security information: API Key are like passwords, they allow total access to your account, do no share them! If you believe one of your keys was compromised, delete it and create a new one.

Generate Sk Live Api Key

API Key are unique identifiers associated with your Scaleway projects and consist of an Access Key and a Secret Key. The Secret key is required to authenticate against our API and will only be displayed when you create the API Key. Make sure to take a note of it and to keep it secret.

What are Access Key and Secret Key?

Before you can start using our API, you need to generate a Secret key and Access Key pair. Consider the Access Key as a login, and the Secret key as a password.

  • An Access Key can identify a token.
  • It’s not a sensitive piece of information.
  • The Secret Key is the value that can be used to authenticate against the API (the value used in X-Auth-Token HTTP header).
  • The secret must stay secret and not given to anyone or publish online.

Each Scaleway project can have several API Key (so several pairs of access-key + secret). Several API Key are useful to give different applications access to the same Scaleway project. However, you remain in control and you can revoke access to any application individually.

How to generate an API Key?

1 . Auto gmail account creator online. To create an API Key for your project, click on the Credentials tab of the Project dashboard.

2 . Scroll down to the API Key section.

Click on Generate new API Key and a pop-up appears giving you the option of adding the API Key purpose (for internal organization). Click on Generate API Key to proceed.

The Access and Secret Key will show on your screen. Take a note of the Secret Key as it will not be recoverable.

Click OK to conclude.

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Retrieving your Project ID

Our system attributes a project ID to each user. If you are using Scaleway Developer Tools you will need to retrieve the project ID for certain actions such as cloud resources (instance, cluster, etc.) creations.

The ProjectID can be found on the Project Credentials page.

To retrieve your project ID via the API, execute the following request.

N.B.: Replace the $ACCESS_KEY and $SECRET_KEY values respectively with your generated access key and secret key.

You will find your Project ID in the output.

In the example above, the Project ID is a1543bb6-d9f8-8955-079f4-7f777bea2f7f.


Cognitive Search uses API keys as its primary authentication methodology. For inbound requests to the search services, such as requests that create or query an index, API keys are the only authentication option you have. A few outbound request scenarios, particularly those involving indexers, can use Azure Active Directory identities and roles.

API keys are generated when the service created. Passing a valid API key on the request is considered proof that the request is from an authorized client. There are two kinds of keys. Admin keys convey write permissions on the service and also grant rights to query system information. Query keys convey read permissions and can be used by apps to query a specific index.



Authorization for data plane operations using Azure role-based access control (RBAC) is now in preview. You can use this preview capability to supplement or replace API keys with Azure roles for Search.

Using API keys in search

When connecting to a search service, all requests must include an API key that was generated specifically for your service.

  • In REST solutions, the API key is typically specified in a request header

  • In .NET solutions, a key is often specified as a configuration setting and then passed as an AzureKeyCredential

You can view and manage API keys in the Azure portal, or through PowerShell, Azure CLI, or REST API.

What is an API key?

An API key is a unique string composed of randomly generated numbers and letters that are passed on every request to the search service. The service will accept the request, if both the request itself and the key are valid.

Two types of keys are used to access your search service: admin (read-write) and query (read-only).

AdminGrants full rights to all operations, including the ability to manage the service, create and delete indexes, indexers, and data sources.
Two admin keys, referred to as primary and secondary keys in the portal, are generated when the service is created and can be individually regenerated on demand. Having two keys allows you to roll over one key while using the second key for continued access to the service.
Admin keys are only specified in HTTP request headers. You cannot place an admin API key in a URL.
Maximum of 2 per service
QueryGrants read-only access to indexes and documents, and are typically distributed to client applications that issue search requests.
Query keys are created on demand.
Query keys can be specified in an HTTP request header for search, suggestion, or lookup operation. Alternatively, you can pass a query key as a parameter on a URL. Depending on how your client application formulates the request, it might be easier to pass the key as a query parameter:
GET /indexes/hotels/docs?search=*&$orderby=lastRenovationDate desc&api-version=2020-06-30&api-key=[query key]
50 per service

Visually, there is no distinction between an admin key or query key. Both keys are strings composed of 32 randomly generated alpha-numeric characters. If you lose track of what type of key is specified in your application, you can check the key values in the portal.


It's considered a poor security practice to pass sensitive data such as an api-key in the request URI. For this reason, Azure Cognitive Search only accepts a query key as an api-key in the query string, and you should avoid doing so unless the contents of your index should be publicly available. As a general rule, we recommend passing your api-key as a request header.

Find existing keys

You can obtain access keys in the portal or through PowerShell, Azure CLI, or REST API.

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

  2. List the search services for your subscription.

  3. Select the service and on the Overview page, click Settings >Keys to view admin and query keys.

Create query keys

Query keys are used for read-only access to documents within an index for operations targeting a documents collection. Search, filter, and suggestion queries are all operations that take a query key. Any read-only operation that returns system data or object definitions, such as an index definition or indexer status, requires an admin key.

Restricting access and operations in client apps is essential to safeguarding the search assets on your service. Always use a query key rather than an admin key for any query originating from a client app.

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

  2. List the search services for your subscription.

  3. Easeus data recovery wizard mac license key generator. Select the service and on the Overview page, click Settings >Keys.

  4. Click Manage query keys.

  5. Use the query key already generated for your service, or create up to 50 new query keys. The default query key is not named, but additional query keys can be named for manageability.


A code example showing query key usage can be found in DotNetHowTo.

Regenerate admin keys

Two admin keys are created for each service so that you can rotate a primary key, using the secondary key for business continuity.

Generate Sk Live Api Key Download

  1. In the Settings >Keys page, copy the secondary key.
  2. For all applications, update the API key settings to use the secondary key.
  3. Regenerate the primary key.
  4. Update all applications to use the new primary key.

If you inadvertently regenerate both keys at the same time, all client requests using those keys will fail with HTTP 403 Forbidden. However, content is not deleted and you are not locked out permanently.

Generate Sk Live Api Key Code

You can still access the service through the portal or programmatically. Management functions are operative through a subscription ID not a service API key, and thus still available even if your API keys are not.

After you create new keys via portal or management layer, access is restored to your content (indexes, indexers, data sources, synonym maps) once you have the new keys and provide those keys on requests.

Secure API keys

Role assignments determine who can read and manage keys. Members of the following roles can view and regenerate keys: Owner, Contributor, Search Service Contributors. The Reader role does not have access to API keys.

Subscription administrators can view and regenerate all API keys. As a precaution, review role assignments to understand who has access to the admin keys.

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Generate Sk Live Api Key Download

  1. Navigate to your search service page in Azure portal.
  2. On the left navigation pane, select Access control (IAM), and then select the Role assignments tab.
  3. Set Scope to This resource to view role assignments for your service.

Generate Sk Live Api Key Login

See also